AutoCAD Line Command
Hello Friends,
In Previous Post,We have seen Polar Method to Draw a Line.Today We will See Absolute and Relative Methods (Cartesian Method) to draw a line.
Command : Line ( Press Enter)
Short-cut : L (Press Enter )
Menu : Draw > Line
Tool Icon / Ribbon : 
Relative Method
In this method,We can draw a next line reference to previous point.
Expression : @X,Y
Suppose We want to draw below fig.
Specify First Point anywhere to start the line.You can start fig from any point.
Suppose we start from bottom left corner.
Second point is going in right direction.Right direction means X-positive direction. Y value is Zero on X-axis.We have to go 3 unit right side. so we can type @3,0.
Next point is going in First Quadrant Direction.In First Quadrant X is positive and Y is Negative.X is Horizontal and Y is vertical direction.X direction reference is given 2 & Y direction reference is give 1.So we can type @2,1.
Next point is going in Second Quadrant.In Second Quadrant X value is Negative and Y Value is Positive.Reference Distances are give.In X direction 2 unit & Y direction 1 unit.So we can type @-2,1.
Next point is going in Left direction.Left direction means Negative X direction. Y value is Zero on X-axis.We have to go 3 unit Left side. so we can type @-3,0.
Next point is going in Third Quadrant.In Third Quadrant X value is Negative and Y Value is also Negative.Reference Distances are give.In X direction 2 unit & Y direction 1 unit.So we can type @-2,-1.
To Close the fig.You can simply use CLOSE can also type @2,-1 because in fourth quadrant x positive and y is negative.X reference distance is given 2 & y reference distance is given 1 so we can type@2,-1 then esc key to cancel the command.
Specify first point : Mouseclick on anywhere on screen
Specifying Next point or [ Undo ] : @3,0 (Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @2,1(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @-2,,1(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @-3,0(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @-2,-1(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : C (Enter) or @2,-1 (Enter then Esc)
So we can draw straight vertical or horizontal line as well as slant line (both x & y distance should be given) by Relative Method.
Absolute Method
In Absolute Method,You have to apply absolute points reference from 0,0 to draw a line.We have to assume First point to start the line.
Expression : X,Y
Suppose We want to draw below fig.
We have assume 5,3(x,y) point as First point.
Second point is in X Positive X positive direction all value is increasing.Current x value is 5 and we have to go 5 distance in right side X positive direction.So we have to add distance in current x value 5+5=10 value for X.On X axis y value is always Zero so no need to add y value in Current Y.So now second point value is (5+5,3+0) i.e.10,3 so type 10,3.
Next point is in Y Positive Y positive direction all value is increasing.Current Y value is 3 and we have to go 1 distance in Upward side Y positive direction.So we have to add distance in current Y value 3+1=4 value for Y.On Y axis x value is always Zero so no need to add y value in Current Y.So now next point value is (10+0,3+1) i.e.10,4 so type 10,4.
Next point is in Y Positive Y positive direction all value is increasing.Current Y value is 4 and we have to go 4 distance in Upward side Y positive direction.So we have to add distance in current Y value 4+4=8 value for Y.On Y axis x value is always Zero so no need to add y value in Current Y.So now next point value is (6+0,4+4) i.e.6,8 so type 6,8.
Next point is in X Negative X Negative direction all value is decreasing.Current x value is 6 and we have to go 1 distance in left side X positive direction.So we have to minus distance in current x value 6-1 =5 value for X.On X axis y value is always Zero so no need to add y value in Current Y.So now second point value is (6-1,8+0) i.e.5,8 so type 5,8.
Now you can simply close the CLOSE option or you can calculate the last point value.Next point is in Y Negative Y Negative direction all value is decreasing.Current Y value is 8 and we have to go 5 distance in downward side Y Negative direction.So we have to minus distance in current Y value 8-5=3 value for Y.On Y axis x value is always Zero so no need to add y value in Current Y.So now next point value is (5+0,8-5) i.e.5,3 so type 5,3.
5,3 last value matches the first point.So we made correct calculations to draw this fig.
Specify first point : 5,3
Specifying Next point or [ Undo ] : 10,3 (Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : 10,4(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : 6,4 (Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : 6,8 (Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : 5,8(Enter)
Specifying Next point or [ Close / Undo ] : C (Enter) or 5,3 (Enter then Esc)
Line Relative Method Youtube Link:
Line Absolute Method Youtube Link:
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In the Next post, we will continue to about AutoCAD Commands.
- Bhargav Joshi
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